What An Examination Involves
An eye examination with any of our experienced Optometrists will typically last 20 – 30 minutes and will cover much more than just testing your vision. The health of your eye will be thoroughly examined and many medical conditions such as diabetes, glaucoma and high blood pressure can be detected.
Any problems that you are experiencing with your vision will be investigated and appropriate advice given. If spectacles are required then different options will be briefly discussed before you see the Dispensing Optician who will give full advice as to the best type of lens for your needs and the most suitable frames.
If you wear contact lenses you will require contact lens aftercare check ups.These appointments are different from an eye examination and will require a separate appointment. For more information on contact lenses and what the contact lens aftercare involves click here.
When you come for an eye examination there is certain information that you should bring to help us provide you with the best of care.

We develop relationships with the people that care for us.
Whether it is our doctor, chiropractor, dentist or optician we develop relationships with the people that care for us. We have loyal and committed staff who have been with us many years, which gives us exceptional continuity of care and the ability to develop lasting relationships with our patients.
What To Bring To An Eye Examination
When you arrive at the appointment please provide reception with the following details:
NHS or NI number if eligible for an NHS eye examination
Any change of address, telephone number, GP surgery, or name
Proof of receipt of eligible benefits such as Income Support or Pension Credit if relevant
Your Optometrist may need to know or see:
A copy of your most recent prescription if we haven’t seen you before
Any spectacles that you are currently using
Details of any medication that you are taking
Any past ocular history, eg squint, cataract.
Any particular problems relating to your work or leisure activities.
If you having any particular problems or concerns please bring these up with the Optometrist at the beginning of the appointment.

After The Eye Examination
If you require spectacles you will passed over to a Dispensing Optician who will give professional advice on frame styles and fitting,and guide you to the most suitable lens choice for you prescription needs.

NHS Entitlements
You can claim an NHS test if you come under any of the following categories:
Aged 60 or over
If you are registered blind or partially sighted
If you suffer from diabetes or glaucoma
If you are considered to be at risk of glaucoma by an opthalmologist
If you are 40 or over and are the parent/brother/sister/child of a person with glaucoma
You have complex lenses (Defined by the NHS as a prescription of greater than + or – 10D)
Aged under 16
Aged under 19 and still in full time education
You or your partner receive Income Support
You or your partner receive Income based Jobseekers Allowance
You or your partner receive Pension Credit
You or your partner have an NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificate
You are named on a valid HC2 Certificate
The last eight categories will also entitle you to a voucher towards the cost of spectacles if required.